
30 Oct 2019

Emery Berger - Performance Matters

Awesome talk about how to measure program performance correctly and about using “causal profiling” to enable developers to see what parts of program are worth to be optimized.

30 Oct 2019

Chad Fowler - Kill "Microservices" before its too late

Great talk about architecture of microservices and the system. Leveraging multiple languages and similar.

30 Oct 2019

Michael Bryzek - Design Microservice Architectures the Right Way

Very interesting talk about leveraging code generation to provide consistent APIs and code across all engineering teams in a company.

13 Nov 2018

Curated list of youtube talks

A curated list of youtube talks worth watching as a software engineer. Note that this list is mainly for me so I will not forget. I had to split this post into individual posts under the tag #talks.