
30 Oct 2019

Jon Bodner - Closures are the Generics of Go

30 Oct 2019

Steve Francia - 7 common mistakes in Go and when to avoid them

30 Oct 2019

Dave Cheney - Constant Time

30 Oct 2019

Kavya Joshi - Understanding Channels

Great talk about internals of Go channels.

30 Oct 2019

Peter Bourgon - Go + Microservices = Go Kit

30 Oct 2019

Dave Cheney - Seven ways to Profile Go Applications

30 Oct 2019

Dave Cheney - SOLID Go Design

30 Oct 2019

Rob Pike - Go Proverbs

30 Oct 2019

Rob Pike - 'Concurrency Is Not Parallelism'

30 Oct 2019

Rob Pike - Simplicity is Complicated

Interesting tale from inception of Go language, and how difficult it really is to create programming language that is as simple as possible.